Robert Rozbruch, MD

Austin Fragomen, MD

Taylor Reif, MD

Jason Hoellwarth, MD

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Total Hip Replacement

Doctor: Robert Rozbruch
Patients: Karen, Ruth, Alvin, Helen

Karen is 41 years old and several years back suffered a fractured acetabulum (hip socket) in a MVA. This was repaired with plates and screws. Over time she developed a painful stiff hip. We perfomed a noncemented THR (porous coated acetabulum and HA coated femoral stem). She is now much more active and has no pain.

Karen, THR Patient


Ruth is 64 years old. She has a stiff painful hip which prevented her from keeping up with her grandchildren. She is very happy after her cemented THR.

Ruth, Hip Replacement patient


Alvin is very happy after his cemented THR.

Total Hip Replacement Patient, Alvin


Helen has better mobility and no pain after her noncemented THR.

THR Patient, Helen