Robert Rozbruch, MD

Austin Fragomen, MD

Taylor Reif, MD

Jason Hoellwarth, MD

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Dr. Rozbruch
Dr. Robert Rozbruch
Dr. Austin Fragomen
Dr. Reif
Dr. Taylor Reif
Dr. Jason Hoellwarth
Dr. Jason Hoellwarth
Hospital for Special Surgery
Hospital for Special Surgery ranked #1 in US for orthopedics 14 years in a row by US News & World Report.

Our surgeons offer surgical treatments for the correction of upper and lower limb deformities, length discrepancies, and injuries in adults and children. We help individuals with orthopaedic problems due to trauma, birth defects, infections or bone tumors. We use the best tools available today including Precice® motorized magnetic lengthening and compression nails, automated hexapod external fixation, osseointegration limb reconstruction, patient specific anatomic plating, and more. These tools are combined with our surgeons’ expert surgical techniques to achieve the optimal results patients desire.

We perform arm and leg lengthening, limb malalignment correction, repair of bone non-unions, and treat hip, knee and ankle arthritis with distraction, fusion, or replacement. Along with limb length discrepancy, we correct genu valgum, commonly known as knock knee, and genu varum, or bowleg. We are experts at both limb salvage and amputation reconstruction. Whether patients are suffering from arthritis, genetic deformity, bone tumors, or the effects of a traumatic accident, the Limb Lengthening & Complex Reconstruction Service of Hospital for Special Surgery is ready to get them on the road to recovery and an improved quality of life.

Conditions We Treat

“…it has been 2 years since I had my surgery and I am virtually pain free. Thank you very much for all the care and amazing support, it has truly been life altering.”

Patient of Dr. Rozbruch

I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, you did such an incredible job, along with your attentiveness to my concerns and needs, being available whenever I had a question.

Patient of Dr. Reif

“Two years ago, before I came to you, I could never have imagined being in the position I am in now. What you and your team have done for me is truly priceless.”

Patient of Dr. Rozbruch

I’m so proud that you are my physician, not only for your superb surgical skills, but also your charisma and compassion. You are honestly one of the most respectable and endearing persons in my life.

Patient of Dr. Rozbruch

“I feel incredibly straighter and moving like I’ve never moved before. I’m running finally and trying to get stronger. … Thank you so much and I am so glad I got to do this with you! You’ve changed my life.”

Patient of Dr. Rozbruch

It was not the collagen that helped Zachary.
It was you.
And it was him.

And somewhere in that whole powerful mix of skin and bones and skill and science, there was  the heart.
And the hope.
And the will.
And I believe, there will never be the “won’t” or “can’t.”

With deepest gratitude from,

Just a mother who loves her son

Mother of Patient, Zachary

“I’m in Sedona this week and have done 30+ miles of hikes and climbs with hundreds of feet of elevation. I couldn’t have done this 1-2 years ago. Thank you for helping get me to this place!”

Patient of Dr. Rozbruch

“I know how much you love what you do. It is evident in the way that you have cared for Zachary. The way Zachary has improved under your care. Improved is certainly an understatement! You have performed miracles with him. And everyone around you has been part of the process.”

Patient of Dr. Rozbruch

“I think of you everyday and I am so thankful to you. Because of you, Mark’s life has been changed forever.  Again thank you so much for all you have done.”

Wife of Dr. Rozbruch Patient

“I just did a 10mile walk in support of the jimmy fund. I was worried about using my legs for such a long distance. But they were completely fine, and they exceeded my expectations! I can’t believe I’m almost back to normal (90-95% there). Overall, I wish I did this 20 years ago. Thanks again.”

Patient of Dr. Rozbruch

Watch, Read, Learn

Dr. Rozbruch gives detailed overview of Osseointegration Limb Replacement Surgery

Using animations, images, and patient stories, Dr. Rozbruch explains Osseointegration surgery and the advantages over traditional prosthetic limbs.

Osseointegration patient with Dr. Reif
Dr. Reif with Bilateral Femur Protection Patient

“He was turned away by multiple other surgeons who said there was nothing wrong! See how much better his gait becomes after correction.”

dr. hoellwarth with patient
Dr. Hoellwarth Helps Limb Trauma Patient

“I proposed compressing the fracture, and we were able to remove the frame five months later with the bone healed!”

Dr. Fragomen Presents at BLRS Conference

“My keynote talks at the British Limb Reconstruction Society Conference on non-union repair, rotation, knock knee, and bowlegs created lively discussions.”

Limb Lengthening team publishes second edition of their world renown Case Atlas featuring almost 500 clinical cases:

We are on Instagram
Denise from Texas three months after bilateral distal femur osteotomy to correct #knockknees Doing great making wonderful progress. She is a transplant patient who is on chronic immunosuppressive medication and the closing wedge osteotomy assured quick and reliable bony healing.#knockknee #knockknees #knockkneesurgery #distalfemoralosteotomy #Rozbruch #aaos #llrs #orthopedicsurgery #liveyourbestlife @all4ortho  #orthopedicsurgeon #hospitalforspecialsurgery #limblengthening @hspecialsurgery @limbdeformity @reifmd #SRobertRozbruchMD #hssLLCRS #HSSlimbLengthening
Matteo after #staturelengtheningsurgery gained 8 cm and improved body image without sacrificing function. Our #staturelengthening program at HSS is accepting new patients!! #Rozbruch #aaos #llrs #orthopedicsurgery #liveyourbestlife @all4ortho  #orthopedicsurgeon #hospitalforspecialsurgery #limblengthening @hspecialsurgery @limbdeformity @reifmd #SRobertRozbruchMD #hssLLCRS #HSSlimbLengthening #cosmeticstaturelengthening
My Michigan patients Stacey and Mary r making great progress at @mfbrehab @mfb_opb Thanks for the updates. #osseointegrationlimbreplacement #osseointegration #amputationsurgery #amputee #cyborgsworld @cyborgsworld #amputeelife #amputeestrong #amputation #osseointegrationUSA  #prostheticlimb #prostheticleg #prostheticsandorthotics #limbreplacementsurgery #limbreplacement #osseointegrationaustralia #osseointegrationswholift #Rozbruch #aaos #llrs #orthopedicsurgery #liveyourbestlife @all4ortho  #orthopedicsurgeon #hospitalforspecialsurgery #limblengthening @hspecialsurgery @limbdeformity @reifmd #SRobertRozbruchMD #hssLLCRS #HSSlimbLengthening
Michael making great progress after Osseointegration Limb Replacement Surgery and using a #myolelectrichand #osseointegrationlimbreplacement #osseointegration #amputationsurgery #amputee #cyborgsworld @cyborgsworld #amputeelife #amputeestrong #amputation #osseointegrationUSA  #prostheticlimb #prostheticsandorthotics #limbreplacementsurgery #limbreplacement #osseointegrationaustralia #osseointegrationswholift #Rozbruch #aaos #llrs #orthopedicsurgery #liveyourbestlife @all4ortho  #orthopedicsurgeon #hospitalforspecialsurgery #limblengthening @hspecialsurgery @limbdeformity @reifmd #SRobertRozbruchMD #hssLLCRS #HSSlimbLengthening #upperlimbamputee #upperlimbprosthetics #upperlimbdeformity
Jessica has done very well after ankle distraction arthroplasty. Now five years postop she’s very active and very happy. #ankledistraction #ankledistractionarthroplasty #pilonfracture #footandanklesurgery #Rozbruch #aaos #llrs #orthopedicsurgery #liveyourbestlife @all4ortho  #orthopedicsurgeon #hospitalforspecialsurgery #limblengthening @hspecialsurgery @limbdeformity @reifmd #SRobertRozbruchMD #hssLLCRS #HSSlimbLengthening
Today’s patient is Mr H. He had bilateral femur lengthening performed elsewhere, and presented with severe pain in both legs, contracted hips and knees and ankles, and was unable to move his right foot. He could barely stand and was mentally distraught from the difficulties. I performed a peroneal nerve release to restore his foot function, and guided him through a more appropriate physical therapy experience. I’ll let him express the care he received here at HSS.
#all4ortho #hssllcrs #hsslimblengthening #hspecialsurgery
Precision added to a #distalfemoralosteotomy to correct #knockknee #knocknees  #knockkneecorrection lead to an awesome functional and aesthetic result. #Rozbruch #aaos #llrs #orthopedicsurgery #liveyourbestlife @all4ortho  #orthopedicsurgeon #hospitalforspecialsurgery #limblengthening @hspecialsurgery @limbdeformity @reifmd #SRobertRozbruchMD #hssLLCRS #HSSlimbLengthening
Marc had amazing bone growth after femur #limblengtheningsurgery for #limblengthdiscrepancy #precicenail #hsskids #pediatricorthopedics #Rozbruch #aaos #llrs #orthopedicsurgery #liveyourbestlife @all4ortho  #orthopedicsurgeon #hospitalforspecialsurgery #limblengthening @hspecialsurgery @limbdeformity @reifmd #SRobertRozbruchMD #hssLLCRS #HSSlimbLengthening