Robert Rozbruch, MD

Austin Fragomen, MD

Taylor Reif, MD

Jason Hoellwarth, MD

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Limb Lengthening Overview

What Is a Bone Length Discrepancy?

Our service is dedicated to correcting limb length discrepancies through bone regeneration. A limb length discrepancy (LLD) is defined as one arm or leg shorter in length than the other. It can affect the entire limb or just part of it. LLDs are very common, and many people have a small difference in leg or arm length that they don’t even notice and doesn’t need treatment. However, as discrepancy increases over 1cm or ½ in, it becomes increasingly problematic, especially in the legs. Unequal leg lengths can lead to pain in the low back, hips and knees, and correction is generally recommended.  

How Are Bones Lengthened?

Bone lengthening starts with a controlled break in the bone, which is then slowly pulled apart, allowing the bone to partially heal as it gets longer. When the final distance is reached and the bone fully heals, the limb is longer and made of the same bone as the rest of the body. Pulling the bone apart can be achieved with external devices, like ringed external fixators or simple linear rails, or with internal lengthening nails. While multiple lengthening nails exist, we primarily use a magnetically driven device called the Precice nail. 

What is The Precice Nail?

The Precice nail is a telescopic metal rod with a gear system and magnet that’s inserted into the center of the bone during surgery. The bone is divided by an osteotomy, and the nail is secured in place with screws. After surgery, a patient is given a handheld External Remote Controller (ERC) that has a rotating magnet inside. The ERC can be used to slowly lengthen the nail by making the magnet spin. The ERC is customizable to each patient’s needs and can be used at home. 

How Much Additional Length Can Be Achieved?

The Precice nail can be used to lengthen the femur, tibia, or humerus up to 8 centimeters (lengthening the forearm still requires external fixation). Lengthening surgery with internal expandable nails is considered accurate, safe, and more comfortable for patients than external fixation methods. It has a low complication rate and high patient satisfaction rate. 

Femur Lengthening Before and After Images

Tibia Lengthening Before and After Images

Upper ExtremityLengthening Before and After Images


Improvement in #scoliosis after correction of #leglengthdiscrepancy #limblengthdiscrepany #Rozbruch Equalization of leg lengths will correct or improve scoliosis #aaos #llrs #orthopedicsurgery #liveyourbestlife @all4ortho  #orthopedicsurgeon #hospitalforspecialsurgery #limblengthening @hspecialsurgery @limbdeformity @reifmd #SRobertRozbruchMD #hssLLCRS #HSSlimbLengthening #precicenail
Eddy has correction of a 13 cm leg length discrepancy by lengthening the femur and tibia using Precice nails. This has had a dramatic effect on his life. Incredible improvements in function, body image, and self-esteem. #precicenail #leglengthdiscrepancy #Rozbruch #aaos #llrs #orthopedicsurgery #liveyourbestlife @all4ortho  #orthopedicsurgeon #hospitalforspecialsurgery #limblengthening @hspecialsurgery @limbdeformity @reifmd #SRobertRozbruchMD #hssLLCRS #HSSlimbLengthening
Ruslan demonstrates use of remote control to lengthen femur and tibia using #precicenail #leglengthening for 8 cm #leglengthdiscrepancy #limblengthdiscrepancy #Rozbruch #aaos #llrs #orthopedicsurgery #liveyourbestlife @all4ortho  #orthopedicsurgeon #hospitalforspecialsurgery #limblengthening @hspecialsurgery @limbdeformity @reifmd #SRobertRozbruchMD #hssLLCRS #HSSlimbLengthening
Odegoke had #limblengtheningsurgery distal to #hipreplacement We see patients who have leg length discrepancy, following or related to a hip replacement. This can be corrected with a limb lengthening surgery below the hip replacement. #precicenail #Rozbruch #aaos #llrs #orthopedicsurgery #liveyourbestlife @all4ortho  #orthopedicsurgeon #hospitalforspecialsurgery #limblengthening @hspecialsurgery @limbdeformity @reifmd #SRobertRozbruchMD #hssLLCRS #HSSlimbLengthening
Rosanna from Dominican Republic after femur limb lengthening to correct deformity and #leglengthdiscrepancy with #precicenail She grew healthy bone at age 65! #Rozbruch #aaos #llrs #orthopedicsurgery #liveyourbestlife @all4ortho  #orthopedicsurgeon #hospitalforspecialsurgery #limblengthening @hspecialsurgery @limbdeformity @reifmd #SRobertRozbruchMD #hssLLCRS #HSSlimbLengthening
Alex after one inch femur #leglengtheningsurgery with #precicenail done for #leglengthdiscrepancy #limblengthdiscrepancy #hsskids #pediatricorthopedics #Rozbruch #aaos #llrs #orthopedicsurgery #liveyourbestlife @all4ortho  #orthopedicsurgeon #hospitalforspecialsurgery #limblengthening @hspecialsurgery @limbdeformity @reifmd #SRobertRozbruchMD #hssLLCRS #HSSlimbLengthening
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