What Is a Bone Length Discrepancy?
Our service is dedicated to correcting limb length discrepancies through bone regeneration. A limb length discrepancy (LLD) is defined as one arm or leg shorter in length than the other. It can affect the entire limb or just part of it. LLDs are very common, and many people have a small difference in leg or arm length that they don’t even notice and doesn’t need treatment. However, as discrepancy increases over 1cm or ½ in, it becomes increasingly problematic, especially in the legs. Unequal leg lengths can lead to pain in the low back, hips and knees, and correction is generally recommended.
How Are Bones Lengthened?
Bone lengthening starts with a controlled break in the bone, which is then slowly pulled apart, allowing the bone to partially heal as it gets longer. When the final distance is reached and the bone fully heals, the limb is longer and made of the same bone as the rest of the body. Pulling the bone apart can be achieved with external devices, like ringed external fixators or simple linear rails, or with internal lengthening nails. While multiple lengthening nails exist, we primarily use a magnetically driven device called the Precice nail.
What is The Precice Nail?
The Precice nail is a telescopic metal rod with a gear system and magnet that’s inserted into the center of the bone during surgery. The bone is divided by an osteotomy, and the nail is secured in place with screws. After surgery, a patient is given a handheld External Remote Controller (ERC) that has a rotating magnet inside. The ERC can be used to slowly lengthen the nail by making the magnet spin. The ERC is customizable to each patient’s needs and can be used at home.

How Much Additional Length Can Be Achieved?
The Precice nail can be used to lengthen the femur, tibia, or humerus up to 8 centimeters (lengthening the forearm still requires external fixation). Lengthening surgery with internal expandable nails is considered accurate, safe, and more comfortable for patients than external fixation methods. It has a low complication rate and high patient satisfaction rate.
Femur Lengthening Before and After Images

Tibia Lengthening Before and After Images

Upper ExtremityLengthening Before and After Images

Marc had amazing bone growth after femur #limblengtheningsurgery for #limblengthdiscrepancy #precicenail #hsskids #pediatricorthopedics #Rozbruch #aaos #llrs #orthopedicsurgery #liveyourbestlife @all4ortho #orthopedicsurgeon #hospitalforspecialsurgery #limblengthening @hspecialsurgery @limbdeformity @reifmd #SRobertRozbruchMD www.limblengthening.com www.hss.edu/limblengthening www.hss.edu/LSARC #hssLLCRS #HSSlimbLengthening

With Arun and our visitor Dr. Alessandro Perrone from Florence Italy. Arun had 5 cm femur #limblengthening with #precicenail for #leglengthdiscrepancy #limblengthdiscrepancy #Rozbruch #aaos #llrs #orthopedicsurgery #liveyourbestlife @all4ortho #orthopedicsurgeon #hospitalforspecialsurgery #limblengthening @hspecialsurgery @limbdeformity @reifmd #SRobertRozbruchMD www.limblengthening.com www.hss.edu/limblengthening www.hss.edu/LSARC #hssLLCRS #HSSlimbLengthening

We use the custom-made shoe when patients are waiting or preparing for surgery. It is really useful to get the body accustomed to the correction of discrepancy in anticipation of surgery. This company American Heelers orthopedicshoelift.com @heelerofbrokensoles does a very nice job and makes it easy to get this online. The actual surgery shown achieved 42 mm of length with quick healing using the #precicenail #Rozbruch #aaos #llrs #orthopedicsurgery #liveyourbestlife @all4ortho #orthopedicsurgeon #hospitalforspecialsurgery #limblengthening @hspecialsurgery @limbdeformity @reifmd #SRobertRozbruchMD www.limblengthening.com www.hss.edu/limblengthening www.hss.edu/LSARC #hssLLCRS #HSSlimbLengthening

Carol had a tibia nonunion bone defect. This was a limb salvage challenge. I used the precise compression nail on the tibia and made up the length with a femur lengthening. This was a very practical and efficient way to deal with a complex problem in a middle age patient. #precicenail #limbsalvage #tibianonunion #Rozbruch #aaos #llrs #orthopedicsurgery #liveyourbestlife @all4ortho #orthopedicsurgeon #hospitalforspecialsurgery #limblengthening @hspecialsurgery @limbdeformity @reifmd #SRobertRozbruchMD www.limblengthening.com www.hss.edu/limblengthening www.hss.edu/LSARC #hssLLCRS #HSSlimbLengthening

Viktoria @viktoriamodesta from California making great progress after tibia deformity correction, Osseointegration Limb Replacement Surgery and femur lengthening with #precicenail #osseointegrationlimbreplacement https://www.hss.edu/osseointegration-limb-replacement.asp #osseointegration #amputationsurgery #amputee #cyborgsworld @cyborgsworld #amputeelife #amputeestrong #amputation #osseointegrationUSA www.osseointegrationUSA.com #prostheticlimb #prostheticleg #prostheticsandorthotics #limbreplacementsurgery #limbreplacement #osseointegrationaustralia #osseointegrationswholift #Rozbruch #aaos #llrs #orthopedicsurgery #liveyourbestlife @all4ortho #orthopedicsurgeon #hospitalforspecialsurgery #limblengthening @hspecialsurgery @limbdeformity @reifmd #SRobertRozbruchMD www.limblengthening.com www.hss.edu/limblengthening www.hss.edu/LSARC #hssLLCRS #HSSlimbLengthening @ALM_Ortho custom implant made with the Electron Beam Melting (EBM) 3D manufacturing process (Disclosure: I own stock in the company)

This patient had a #limblengthdiscrepancy due to #limbtrauma many years ago. She had pain in her back and her knees. I lengthened her left femur with a #globusmedicalinc #precicenail and now she walks better and is happier!
#all4ortho #hssllcrs #hsslimblengthening #hspecialsurgery

This patient had a congenitally short limb, meaning the whole leg was affected, without a specific other diagnosis. It also means the solution must account for each segment for the best outcome.
So I lengthened the femur and the tibia (along with correcting its valgus and rotational deformity) instead of just one bone.
However the lengthened tendons often make foot deformity worse, so I then transferred a deforming tendon to the other side of the foot and gradually corrected the foot contracture. His mother is thrilled how much taller he stands now!
Happy Holidays from the Reif’s!
#hsslimblengthening #hssllcrs #precicenail #congenital #limblengthening #orthopedics #orthopedicsurgery #bonelengthening #limbdeformity #footandanklesurgeons #femurlengthening #congenitallimbdifference

This patient (and a neighbor!) presented with a short bowed leg as well as a very malpositioned tibial tubercle, so the knee cap slid down the middle of her knee instead of the front! This is both uncomfortable and significantly compromises the strength needed to straighten the leg.
To address these concerns, she required an osteotomy to straighten and lengthen and another adjacent osteotomy to fix the tubercle. It’s a lot of surgery all in one area, so scar tissue is a real concern, but she did an amazing job with PT and has full knee motion and strength today!
Given positive cat feedback, here is our other cat 🐈⬛.
#hssllcrs #hsslimblengthening #precicenail #osteotomy #bowleg #limblengthening #bone #bonelengthening #orthopedics #tibia #orthopedicsurgery #bonedeformity #deformity