Robert Rozbruch, MD

Austin Fragomen, MD

Taylor Reif, MD

Jason Hoellwarth, MD

New patients: email us or call 646-681-7465


Correction of Bilateral Leg Windswept Deformity

Dear Dr. Rozbruch,

As we approach my one year anniversary of the final removal of my ‘leg jewelry,” I want to tell you how absolutely thrilled I am with my new legs. Not a single day passes that I don’t think about how different I feel and I am so grateful.

I go to the gym 3 to 4 times a week, I can climb the stairs (and go down) without holding onto the banisters and I no longer am self-conscious when crossing the street, thinking that people are staring at my bent leg. I swam laps this summer, which I could never do before because of the angle of my leg and my legs hardly ever hurt at the end of day. I even wear heels now and can run around a little with the kids. Who knows what’s next!

You’ve REALLY made a difference in my life. Life is good. I hope you are doing equally as well and I promise that I will make an appointment to see you and your staff so I can tell you all in person how great I’m doing.

Have a wonderful, wonderful Christmas and I can’t wait to hang my Christmas ornament that you gave me on the tree this year!

– Patient, Ingrid


Update from August 2015:
Dear Dr. Rozbruch: I received this picture from a friend who took it a week ago and the first thing I noticed was my straight legs. Wouldn’t have happened without you and wanted to let you know that I am grateful almost 10 years later!